About Us
The Maine Township Regular Democratic Organization (MTRDO) welcomes residents who believe in Democratic ideals and who live within the Maine Township boundaries which include areas of Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Niles, Glenview, Morton Grove, Rosemont, and unincorporated areas of Maine Township.
MTRDO meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at 790 Lee Street in Des Plaines. You are cordially invited to attend.
Political Shift
Historically, Maine Township was a GOP stronghold. In fact, the Maine Township government has been Republican-led for over 150 years since its inception, until recently. Our Democratic-backed slate swept the 2021 election along with many other Democratic elected officials, as the township has swayed steadily in favor of Democratic candidates in the recent years.
Maine Township Democratic Organization Leadership
Committeeperson: Laura Murphy
President: Andrew Goczkowski
Vice President: Kelly Horvath
Secretary: Jim Wozny
Treasurer: Jim Radermacher