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Maine Township Democratic Organization Endorsed Candidates:


President & Vice President
(1) Joseph Biden & Kamal Harris
U.S, Representative, 5th District
(12 ) Michael Quigley 
U.S. Representative 8th district
(11) Raja Krishnamoorthi
U.S. Representative, 9th District
(11) Janice D. Schakowsky
Delegate National Convention 5th Congressional
Marcelino Garcia (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 21
Sara Feigenholtz (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 22
Timmy Knudsen (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 23
Margaret Croke (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 24
Brian J. McPartlin (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 25
Aurora Austriaco (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 26
Eli Moog (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 27
Valerie Alexander (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 28
Delegate National Convention 8th Congressional
Elizabeth Penesis (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 21
Fred Crespo (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 22
Yasmeen Bankole (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 23
Kevin Morrison (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 24
Ken Mejia-Beal (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 25
Delegate National Convention 9th Congressional
Hoan Huynh (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 21
Laura Fine (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 22
Daniel J. Montgomery (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 23
Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 24
Christopher J. Dunn (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 25
Josina Morita (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 26
Dawn Koenigsknecht (Biden) DEMOCRATIC 27

State Senate, 28th District 
(61) Laura Murphy
State Representative, 15th District 
(71) Michael Kelly
State Representative, 55th District
(71) Martin Moylan
State Representative, 56th District
(71) Michelle Mussman

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Full 6-Year Term (Vote for 3)
(82) Kari K. Steele
(83) Marcelino Garcia
(84) Daniel (POGO) Pogorzelski
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Unexpired 2-Year Term
(85) Precious-Brady-Davis
County Clerk of the Circuit Court
(91) Iris Y. Martinez
States Attorney
(94) Eileen Oneil Burke

Justice Supreme Court
(122) Jesse G. Reyes
Justice Appellate Court
(131) Mary Lane Mikva
(132) Cynthia Cobbs
(134) Celia Louise Gamrath
(136) Carl Anthony Walker
Cook County Circuit Court
(141) Pablo F. deCastro
(143) Corinne C. Heggie
(144) Sarah Johnson
(145) Deidra M. Dyer
(146) Arlene Y. Coleman-Romeo
(147) Neil Cohen
(150) Edward Joseph Underhill
(151) Debjani ‘Deb’ Desai
(153) Jennifer Patricia Callahan
(154) James S. Murphy-Aguilú
(156) Chloe Georgianna Pedersen
Judge 11th Cook County Subcircuit
(163) Kimberly Przekota
Judge 18th Cook County Subcircuit
(162) Sunil Bhave
(163) John Hock

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